I’m getting back into AD&D at the minute as I have decided to write a simple role playing game for my daughter (age 6). I love role playing and reckon it might be a way for me to blend fun with maths teaching! Anyway I digress.

During some internet searching I bumped into wikipedia and TinyMud. The comment in wikipedia about instances of this old mud being rare made me a little sad so I have decided to resurrect it for a party in a couple of weeks time. This is similar to the “Brigadoon Day” except I will leave it running on the slice.

I have managed to find the ‘c’ source code from 1989 and I’m working on getting it compiled again - mainly just #include issues, so it should go ok.

Once complete I intend to re-create my flat and invite as many folk as I can for a party, given it allows basic construction of new objects I wonder what might result.

Update (2010-01-26), I have it running, just need to map out my flat!